Health+Safety/Vaccination Attestation

updated 2022-01-30 - lowered floor to 5; relabeled as "Health and Safety Policy" to take the sting out

updated 2021-09-14 - lowered floor to 12 for attestation coverage

updated 2021-09-05 - adding self mod updates and nudge support

released 2021-08-22

You may wish to capture attendees' policy attestation during the advance registration window. This (new) feature provides you additional opportunity to clarify your campus' vax/mask policy and enforce limited registration restrictions. Please read through this guide to understand what's activated and how to monitor collection.

For the purposes of smoothing out differences in policies across customers, we'll internally map attestation responses into three generic buckets:

  1. Compliant - will comply with the policy as written and as in effect as of the time of the event

  2. Non-compliant - someone saying no

  3. Unknown - no response recorded by registrant nor primary registrant.

Unknown is this is the default state for new registrant records created in the admin, so keep that in mind.

** But what about check in?**

What about it indeed!

We're also going to add your ability to activate one or both of the following at check in time:

  1. Require attestation at the time of check in after scanning the QR code or finding your party. This may be well advised, as the time at which it matters most is when the person gets their credential (a name tag) to wander about campus.

  2. Block name tag printing for those who aren't compliant based on pre-event attestation.

Depending on your attendees, event, desired traffic flow, general counsel's opinion, and consideration of other uncomfortable truths about humanity you may opt to do one or both of those.

If you'd prefer to consult with us before making a decision, please don't hesitate to ask!


The Health and Safety Policy is configured at the org level. Setup > Org Configuration > Edit Org.

Check the box to activate capture for all registrants 5 and up. Until the FDA approves a vaccine for children of all ages, the only ones we need to capture attestation for are those eligible for a vaccine.

There's room for a blurb of your own creation below the actual attestation dropdown. Please provide one. Many of you have tucked some COVID language in the waiver blurb, but this is a little more specific and targeted.

Also, you can (if you must) override the compliant and non-compliant dropdown option labels. The default copy is written with respect to vaccination being the only effective/acceptable response; some schools may wish to soften that language to treat a 72-hour negative test result with similar weight. Tuck as many specifics as you can into the blurb because the dropdown gets awfully hard to read if you pack it with legalese and nuance. The waiver is displayed adjacent to this dropdown in every place it is shown publicly, so context is there for the taking.

And finally, where we expect to add more options later on, is what consequence you wish to have befall those who say no (and would be recorded as non-compliant). This is a uniquely local decision.

  • capture only means we'll record the registrant's response and allow registration to continue uninhibited.

  • do not allow progress means we'll not let them past this step of registration unless/until they respond in the affirmative. This will likely irritate a few people.

Additional options to restrict choices to virtual programs only are under design review.

Registration Experience

If this feature is active, all eligible registrants (ages 5 and up) of the org will be presented with the blurb and field on the bio form, positioned below the who's coming opt out and the full waiver blurb.

Again, asked only of all registrants 5 and up. Younger children are (for a little while longer) exempt.


Status, if active for the org with which this party is registered, is visible in the reservation header for each party member:

You can modify any registrant's attestation response in the admin; however, keep in mind you're asserting a fact that can have population-wide impacts so please be extremely careful about what you're doing. Click on the registrant's name and scroll down to the Attendance block.

Easy as can be.


The primary report you should keep an eye on is the H+S Policy Noncompliance report. This is a list of registrants for whom we do not have a compliant response and only includes those who are registered with an org that attempts to capture this information during registration. You can easily export this to excel as well.

Treat this like the balance due or missing XID report if compliance is desirable or required - meaning work it constantly by contacting registrants and soliciting the affirmative response you need.

You'll also find the optional field group for attestation data in the export options for the group registrations and event headcount reports.

Contacting the non-compliant

You can send a "nudge" from this the report, too. A nudge will send a message and a specially-crafted link to the self mod area so the registrant can update attestations for all eligible members of their party. This message goes to the primary registrant only; we trust them to attest on behalf of all party members.

Have other thoughts?

PLEASE pop them in a ticket! This implementation aggregated thoughts and requests from several customers into a gentle interface that should accommodate most info-only use cases. It's our position that verifying this at the time of check in is an important addition (see note at the top of this doc!), but even with that stressing your campus COVID policy in the confirmation email and on the registration landing page is absolutely the most effective vehicle for driving compliance we have.

Last updated