Customer Service & Reporting


Activity at a glance: The default view is a chart showing views, pledge count, individual pledge dollars, and cumulative pledge dollars over the last 30 days.

Gifts Collected

Here you will see a list of all designations that have received donations through our Online Giving module during the current fiscal year, last month, this month, and today, along with the amount of money pledged (not necessarily collected) for each.

You can click on an amount to drill into pledges for that designation and time period. You will see a list of all pledges made during that period to the selected designation, including some summary information about each, including which Path was used and if applicable, which Pitch. Clicking on the Pledge amount will take you to the details of that individual pledge.

Each column on the summary screen (the table of FY, Last Month, This Month, and Today) also has a TOTAL row at the bottom. Clicking those totals shows all pledges for the selected period for all designations.

Pledge details

The pledge detail screen shows everything there is to see about an individual pledge:

  • Biographical information about the donor

  • A few details of the credit card, and a button allowing you to update the card. While we do have a self-service option, we know that some donors like to have their hand held.

  • Summary information about the gifts in the pledge

    • Just as with event registration, there is a button that will allow you to re-send the gift confirmation email.

    • This includes Gift configuration, amount collected, balance remaining, and subtotals of applicable columns.

    • There are also buttons to cancel the remaining payments on an individual gift and for the entire pledge.

  • Recurring Gift Payment Schedule (also includes installment payments). From here you can see when each payment will be --or was-- collected, by gift.

  • Transaction History: A log of all successful transactions, with date, card information, confirmation number, and amount.

  • Failed Transactions: A log of all failed transactions, with the date, amount, and gateway response.

  • Contact history: A log of all emails sent on behalf of this pledge.

  • Audit History: A log of all actions taken in the system against this pledge.

Actions you may take from the pledge details screen:

  • Re-send the confirmation email.

  • Update bio information. Click the person's name for an update form.

  • Update card details. Click the "Replace" button next to the existing card details.

  • Cancel the remaining payments on one or all gifts.

Views & Conversions

In an attempt to help you design successful giving campaigns, this tab will show you the number of page views and gifts that each Path and Pitch has received over various periods (Today, This Month, Last Month, FY), and the conversion rate. We calculate the conversion rate as # gifts / # views.

Last updated