
Event Reporting

Across Events

Events > Reports and consult the right sidebar.

  • Refund Owed/Balance Due is one of the most important reports in here. This shows you who's out of balance and requires additional nudging (if they owe) or refund handling (if you do).

  • Virtual Event Sync Failures is a spotlight on individuals who are registered for a virtual program connected to a managed provider, but there's something wrong with the configuration information. Confused even after reading the report? File a ticket! It's always something new with Zoom.

  • Virtual Event Configuration Audit is an attempt to put a spotlight on things that could cause the other report to be anything other than empty. Use it to spot trouble before it bites you.

  • Unmatched Registrants Remember how we suggested refund owed/balance due is an important report? This one is Without an XID on a registrant's record, we can't sync with your system of record. Reference this report frequently (daily is strongly recommended, particularly on Mondays) and match either individually, per event using the semi-automatic matching tool, or the global semi-automatic matching tool. Not seeing any signs of this magical tool? File a ticket and request access! It's a huge time saver.

  • Activity Summary is a reference report to keep an eye on upcoming registerable programs and some basic metadata about them. Non-actionable unless something is visibly incorrect.

  • Gifts Across Events is intended to serve as a quick look on contribution activity linked to event registrations. Note: if you're looking for a detailed export of this info, please consult the API.

  • Reportable Prospects is the reason for doing matching on Monday. The prospect report can be automatically sent to gift officers weekly on Tuesdays (activated on request! just file a ticket!), saving you a step of building it manually. We compile prospects based on warehouse data + registration information - hence the necessity of having as many XIDs on records as possible. This is an on-demand version of that same report - and we call it the Tuesday Report.

  • Event Account Mappings is another audit-type report to ensure the virtual dollars are assigned to the right place for all events and the activities within them.

For an individual event

Events > Reports > click on the event you wish to pull a report for.

You'll arrive at a summary event stats screen that shows registration counts by day, check in activity by hour, and high level numbers of registrants, participants, and (if floated) the NPS score for the event.

Click on the "registered" count to jump to the actual event attendee list (this will get you to the same place as the "Event Attendees" link on the right).

On the upper right side of event attendance report are up to three buttons:

  1. Send NPS Survey - automatic delivery of a request to provide feedback on an event. These are sent out daily at noon (local time) to the audience meeting the criteria listed in the setup screen.

  2. Export to Excel - a straight up output of all event and activity data in a very large sheet. We went for gross utility on this one rather than economical generation.

  3. Batch Print Nametags - since these events are on the smaller side and we knew many customers were doing mail merges to create them, we decided to pull the function completely into the platform. Pick field positions with fallback options and generate a print-ready PDF. File a ticket to get your specific paper/tag layout built into the system!

Don't need a full event's worth of data? Hit the dropdown menu to drill down into an individual activity. This report is a little more capable:

  1. Check in (and undo check ins) for any or all activity participants (check in all requires elevated permissions - inquire within).

  2. Export to Excel.

  3. If the activity is virtual, you'll also have a "Virtual Event Services" button in the upper right. This will allow you to resend (on demand) the reminder emails. Depending on your provider you may also have an option to fetch and check in participants - a necessary step for managed providers that you'll do post-program.

  • Quick Check In Sheet for those who aren't using the remote check in service, this is a quick and easy sign in sheet that doesn't require additional formating to use.

  • RSVP Status shows individual registrant statuses - invited (were sent an email), declined (using the Decline function in the email or from the event registration landing page), or registrant (successful conversion!). More helpful for smaller events, we'll generate it for any.

  • Party Sizes a rarely used report primarily to assist with family-friendly programming to quickly determine how many actual groups are registered to participate.

  • Fee Audit is useful when you've set up a boatload of fees (with or without FMV implications) but also with other applicability rules applied and want to check your work against actual registrants. Eyeball the identified exceptions and address if warranted.

  • Scheduled Reports are available for delivery on whatever day or days you wish to have them sent. The recipient will be linked to a daily generated event attendance report which for some is more convenient than logging in. We don't offer column selection in this report yet, but expect it to hit the build queue in the not too distant future.

  • Event Balance Sheet is useful for events where there are multiple virtual accounts at play and/or a gift option being offered. Knowing how much to transfer post-event is as critical as collecting the funds initially. If you see any registrant names in this report it means they haven't settled their balances yet - either due to deficient payment or a not-yet-handled potential refund. Zero those out before handing money to another department!

  • Event Transaction Detail the drilldown companion to the balance sheet report to see how we arrived at the numbers we did in painstaking detail.

  • Event Gifts which is a summary (not terribly detailed) of all gifts made during registration for the selected event, further live-filterable by fund. As most integration consumers want all gifts for the prior business day, please direct those use cases toward the API for automated cross-event retrieval.

Need something else?

File a ticket! The more detail you can offer the faster we can assess and respond on feasibility of inclusion.

Last updated