
  • Crowdfunding Challenges

Crowdfunding is much, much more fun when you've got a donor ready to provide a conditional match. However, managing those matches is usually somewhat difficult. What is triggered, for how much, and based on what conditions being met can be quite complex. To help, we've built in automatically triggered matches to our crowdfunding platform so (in theory) you should be able to set them up and be satisfied that matches are properly applied as those conditions are met.

We are not saying that you'll be totally covered by what we're offering. But we think we can get you close.

The setup process reflects the rules and conditions that we can automatically trigger on.

Section 1

Provide a short name for the challenge. Keep it unique.

Section 2: How the challenge is triggered

This section defines how the challenge starts. All of these are required.

  • Match Start Date/Time

  • Minimum Amount: The project must have raised this much. If there is no floor, set it to 0.

  • Minimum Donors: The project must have accumulated this many unique donors (decided by email address). If there is no floor, set it to 0.

There's a really good chance that those last two don't apply to your challenge; you want to match donations as soon as we reach the start date. If that's the case, then put a zero in for both minimum amount and donors.

Section 3: How does the challenge end?

Either the challenge will end successfully or fall short of its goal. This section defines the outcome.

  • Match End Date/Time: We'll stop looking at this challenge after this date/time.

  • Maximum Amount

  • Maximum Donors

The end is defined by either Maximum Amount or Maximum Donors - set one (but not both), because it would be incredibly weird to expect both conditions to be hit.

Section 4: Extra Filters

Remember that Crowdfunding runs on top of our entire giving stack - so ALL gifts are eligible for consideration by challenge rules. This is a good thing (you'll hopefully hit them more quickly!) but may also cast too broad a net in some situations. To satisfy those more targeted screening rules, you can optionally limit to a few other filter terms:

Use them independently or in combination with each other as desired.

  • Project: Which project is this a challenge associated with?

  • Designations: If there are multiple designations assigned to different incentives, and you only want a few to count, here's where you'd specify them.

  • Appeal Code: Maybe you're sending a targeted email to a small group and they must use the link in the email to challenge, here's your flag.

  • Class Years: Set one or more if you're doing a class-specific trigger.

  • Preferred School: This could be a school specific challenge (not all institutions use this one)

Section 5: Challenge Reward

When the filter terms are met, what gets added to the grand total? In some cases it's a multiple of the amount raised. In others it may be a fixed amount. Set it accordingly here:

  • Reward Type

    • Multiplier: If you're adding money to the project and campaign totals as the matching donations come in, you want a multiplier reward. A field will appear to set the how the money is added. If its a 1:1 match of money, put a one in the field. If its a double match, enter a two. If the donor is match half the money, then enter .5.

    • Set Amount: If no money should be added until the end of the project, use a set amount reward. A field will appear for you to set the amount that will be added if the maximum amount or donors are met before the match end date.

And then

Sit back and watch the totals grow automatically! These matches will be tacked on as adjustments to the campaign and/or project total as appropriate.

Last updated