Bio Update

Before you even think about opening registration (say, a year+ out) you may want to get up-to-date contact info for your constituents so you can effectively market to them in the many months leading up to a milestone reunion.

Bio updates makes this easier on you.


  • tokenized link to access a prefilled form (OPTIONAL) to avoid forcing a login

  • On/off capture of submissions

  • On/off solicitation of volunteers

  • On/off planning to attend capture

  • On/off student activity capture (rarely employed)

  • On/off sending a confirmation email after submission

  • Custom blurb for the form itself (which should be self-explanatory, but some prefer to write it out)

  • locked to each master event so each submission is locked to a given master event


Config is entirely under the Master Event.

If/when capture is activated: a link appears on the (public) event landing screen.


  • CLOSE bio updates before registration opens (don't want to create confusion)


  • communicate with AlumnIQ that you intend to use this well ahead of time for your first go-round, as we'll need to activate a separate web service to provide prefill data


Access to the form can be done up to four different ways:

  • anonymously - no prefill, no xid on the record

  • via tokenized link in email - ?token=THE_XID_FOR_THE_INDIVIDUAL will prefill the form (and xid) on the submission

  • via input of XID and last name - will accomplish the same as the tokenized link, but with more typing (recommend putting XID in the email, though!)

  • via login - if customer environment is configured for SSO, we'll prefill the form (and xid) on the submission

Most customers use the first two approaches as they're the most convenient. Really important to understand that by not putting this behind a login, you do put contact information a little close to the public sphere. While xids are typically sequential (and thus guessable), unless a corresponding last or maiden name is provided no access will be granted. Consult advancement services to determine their comfort level with this.

What is captured?

  • xid

  • xidLastModifiedDateTime

  • firstname

  • nickname

  • lastname

  • maidenname

  • prefclassyear

  • prefschool

  • majors

  • gender

  • pronouns

  • addressUnchanged (1/0)

  • street1

  • street2

  • street3

  • city

  • state

  • zip

  • foreigncityzip

  • nation

  • previousemailaddress

  • emailaddress

  • preferredphonenumber

  • preferredphonetype (home/mobile)

  • homephonenumber

  • mobilephonenumber

  • maritalstatus (single character)

  • spousedisplayname

  • spouseprefclassyear

  • spouseprefschool

  • spouseemailaddress

  • employer

  • title

  • occupation

  • activities

  • volunteer (1/0, I am willing to volunteer to fundraise/invite)

  • pta (1/0, I am planning to attend)

  • showPTA (1/0, I want my name published on the PTA list)

The process

  • alum is directed to the bio update form via email or from the event landing page

  • identity check is performed, and form is either presented blank or prefilled

  • alum fills out/corrects form contents and submits it

  • if the conf email is active, we send them a confirmation email

And then:

  • you review the bio updates report (Reports > Bio Updates) to complete any matching for those who submit unmatched

  • you download the list of updates and send to your bio team (slow) or your advancement services team hits the bio updates API resource daily to fetch the latest and greatest (fast) and hands it off to your bio team (or better yet, automates the import of the data into your system of record)


Reports > Bio Updates

From there you can:

  • export the whole shebang to Excel

  • match submissions to XIDs

API resource: GET /api/bioupdates?mastereventid=XXX

Not currently filtered by date, as matching may not happen concurrent with submission.

Interaction with the Planning to Attend process

The bio form includes a planning to attend checkbox (optional). AlumnIQ merges this data with the PTA submissions to yield a single, unique PTA list -- hence the requirement for all that XID matching work. This makes it so that the alum doesn't have to fill out both forms to get their name in lights as likely to attend your reunion/homecoming event.

Last updated