Post-Event Tasks

Ok! So your event is over and now you're ready to do the necessary work to tidy up. Thank you!

To Do List

  1. Clean up your check ins. Make sure everyone who was there was appropriately checked in. You can do this from remote check in or the event attendance report. There is a permission you can be granted to bulk check in everyone registered for an activity; otherwise you should do it person-by-person.

  2. Clean up any unmatched registrants (that you care about). Every event draws people who are not or will never need entity records, so please mark those individuals as non-constituents. All the rest? Match them to their XIDs either individually from the missing xid report. You can also use the semi-automatic matcher tool to handle a whole bunch of them in one shot. Inquire if you're not seeing the button at the top of the missing xid screen.

  3. Settle all outstanding balances. Refund whoever you wish, charge who you can, and reconcile away those who won't go quietly (by applying discounts or fees as needed - or cancelling outright if they fell off the face of the planet)

  4. Make sure the event is actually over. You'll be blocked from closing an event if it hasn't actually concluded - this is a safety feature in the system.

Closing an Event

Once all of those to dos are done, you can make use of the bright, shiny, red "Close Event" button at the top of the event setup screen. Closing an event:

  • is irrevocable

  • will lock you out from making further changes to registration records

  • will still let you view (but not change) event setup information

  • will still let you view reports (anytime)

  • will flag the event and all registration data as eligible for retrieval and import to your system of record (an important flag!)

The moment of true event closure is how we know you're "done done" with an event and can safely stash attendance data in your primary database without fear of something subsequently changing.

Thank you for your cooperation in timely cleanup and closure of events!

Last updated