Customer Service

Opening registration is far from the end of event execution. Customer service is where you'll hopefully not have to spend too much time, but it's helpful to know your way around should you be called upon to create or update an existing registration.

How do I find it?

In AlumnIQ admin, Click on Events, and then Customer Service.

Getting Started

You will see a list of events. This list will only show open events. Closed events will be visible for 2 weeks after they are closed.

There is a way to search for attendees by last name. You will see a list of all the people that match your search criteria.

If, however, you want to see all of the reservations for a given event, just click on its name.

At the top of the list, you will see two tabs. The Attending tab is where you currently are. It will also show the number of people that are registered for the event. That number does not include cancellations. The In Progress tab shows registrations that have not yet been completed.

Registrations Via Customer Service

Some people may not be able to register online, or they may choose to register over the phone, or at the event. To the right of the list of registrations, there is a New Registration button. Use the search box at the top to quickly add a known constituent. If the person isn't found in the list of known constituents, you can optionally choose "None of these, add a new person".

Of particular interest on the registration form is the Known Constituent field. You are presented with three options that explain how and when to mark someone as a known constituent, a possible constituent, or a known-non-constituent (e.g. business, minor).


Alternately, some people may receive an invitation to an event and want to decline right away. Click on the Add RSVP button.

  • First Search For a Person

  • Once you've found them, click Save RSVP

Changing a Reservation

To look at an individual reservation, just click on the name of the person you wish to view. Now you can see everything you ever wanted to know about the reservation, broken into several sections.

Modifying a Party Member's Record

Each Party Member has their own box, showing what they selected during registration. Edit the person's demographic information by clicking on their name and making changes in the window that opens.

Click on the Activity or Product Name to show details and make changes. All of the restrictions that are in place for public registration are lifted in Customer Service. We still denote things like Best Fee and whether or not a Fee or Option is inactive. We also mention if Sections are sold out. The decisions are left up you. If you need to remove an activity or product, just click the Delete Activity button.

Select an Activity from the list and fill in the details. We will recalculate how much they owe.

When Products are available, an Add Product button will also be available. The process is exactly the same as adding an activity.

Adding Party Members

The more the merrier, right? Adding another person to a party is easy. Click on the Add Person button at the bottom of the primary registrant's box (it's always the first one). Fill out the form and save.

Now the new person will show up on the reservation screen. You will also see a red box warning you to add an activity. Just use the Add Activity button above.

If there is a survey attached to the event, you will also be prompted to fill it out.

Either follow the link in the warning box or use the Change Responses button to do so. This button will also appear for existing party members.

Handling Money

As the reservation changes, there will be changes in the amount of money owed as well. To the right of the party members there is a box with three buttons. It will show the current payment status of the reservation.

Collecting Payments

If there is a Balance Due the amount will be displayed in a red box on the right side of the screen. Click on the Collect Payment button to get started. Maybe you just want to send someone a reminder that they owe money. Use the form Request Payment tab to do this. Registrant Email and Balance Due are already filled out for you. You can include a Message with your reminder, but it is not required.

To collect a Credit Card payment, use the Charge a Credit Card tab.

People may also pay by cash or check. You can log these payments in AlumnIQ as well. The Log a Check Payment tab requires Postmark Date and Check Number in addition to the Amount. If the amount on the check differs from the auto-populated balance due, be sure to update it.

Log a Cash Payment is very similar to checks. Be sure to lock up any cash payments you receive


What if a party member is a volunteer? You might want to give them a break on their registration fees. If that's the case, you can give them a discount. In the box to the right, click on the Discounts button. On the New Discount tab there is a short form to fill out.

  • Each discount must apply to a specific Line Item. You can discount the event fee, or even a specific activity or product option.

  • Amount to Discount cannot exceed the cost of the Line Item that you select.

  • A Reason for the discount is also required.

Unfortunately, not every volunteer can keep their committment, and you might need to undo that discount. On the Revoke Discount tab there will be a list of discounts that are current applied to this reservation. Pick a Discount to revoke and provide a Reason for doing so.

I'm Done. Now what?

When the attendee completed online registration they were automatically sent a confirmation email that outlined all of their choices and the costs. The Customer Service module doesn't automatically send these emails. To send a confirmation after making changes, click the Resend Confirmation button that is located above the Balance Due area. To view the confirmation without resending it, click on the View Confirmation button.


Sometimes people will sign up for an event, and then life gets in the way. In the button bar for each party member there is a red Cancel Registration button. You will be asked to confirm this. If you're sure that the person can't make it click the Boot 'em button.

The Cancel Reservation button is displayed under the primary registrant. This will cancel the entire reservation.

Be very careful whether cancelling a single registration or an entire reservation. These actions cannot be undone. If someone needs to be re-added use the Add Person button.


After a cancellation, you might owe some money. If there is a refund due, the Refund Options button will appear. Like payments, you can issue refunds via credit card, check, or cash.

Refund to Credit Card requires you to select a Refund Tx (Transaction) to refund.

  • Amount will be pre-filled, but it can be adjusted.

  • Comment is required.

    If there are no transactions to choose from, you will not be permitted to refund to a card.

Log Check Refund allows you to refund check transactions.

  • Check Number is required here. This is the check number of the refund check.

Cash refunds can be logged in Log Cash Refund.

  • The Reason field is required for all types of refunds.

The Refund Deadline

If there is a refund deadline, a message will be displayed at the top of the refund window. If it is past the deadline, AlumnIQ will not prevent refunds. The decision on whether or not to refund after the deadline is left up to the operator.

Assessing Fees

Maybe someone has cancelled after a deadline and you need to assess a fee. Click on the Fees button in the Balance Due area.

  • Money from cancelation fees needs to be tied to an Account

  • Please give a Reason for assessing the fee.

Like discounts you can also Revoke Fees

  • You need to Pick a Fee to revoke

  • You must give a Reason for a revocation.

Change Logs

As you can see, it is possible to make a lot of changes to a reservation. AlumnIQ keeps track of all of these changes. The change logs are located under the boxes with party member information.


Every transaction is shown in this area. The method column shows whether the transaction was cash, check, or card. We also show refund information in this column.

At the bottom there are a series of totals.

  • Payments Total: The total of all payments made by the party.

  • Registration Total: The registration fees.

  • Fee Total: All fees that have been assessed and not revoked.

  • Discount Total: Amount of all discounts that have not been revoked.

  • Refund Total: Amount of money that has been refunded.

    The formula for calculating the balance is: Balance Due = (Payments + Discounts) - (Registration + Fees + Refunds).

    If there is a refund due, the balance will show in green. If the party owes money, the balance will be shown in red.

Invoice History

This is a full record of changes made (and charges/credits applied) to the reservation.

Balance of Accounts

A break down of all the accounts for the reservation, as well as the fees, discounts, and refunds. The total at the bottom must always be $0.

Contact Log

This is a log of every email that has been sent to the primary registrant. This includes the initial confirmation email as well as all payment reminders.

Last updated