
released 2022-07-10

Since we launched this product we've had a few spots where limited instructional guidance was applied. Every instance where that was deemed necessary was, to us, a future marker for an interface cleanup. If it wasn't immediate understandable then we hadn't quite refined it enough yet.

While we've whittled down that list quite a bit, there were still some stock-standard blocks of copy that remained out of reach from both a configuration perspective -- and also a few no-go zones where we hadn't ever considered adding more words to keep the UI clean and as short as possible. More words and more fields puts more strain on the registrant which leads to attrition - or so we believe.

What if I don't need nor want do use this?

No sweat!

The default copy (or lack thereof) remains in place as it has always been. You only need to come into contact with this feature if you have a desire to do so.


Setup > Org Configuration > top right "Other Config" and click "Strings".

The set of strings visible is dynamic; if you're not seeing a lot here, take a walk through your current build in preview mode (or an active registration flow if you're already lit up). The system will pick up all configurable strings and create the default entries here for you, after which you'll be able to edit them.

Registration Experience

Naturally you'll want to see what these look like to the registrant -- and also discover what's editable in a visual medium. It's easy!

When 'show strings' is clicked, all editable string blocks will have a dashed line around them:

Hovering over the block will show you the label for the editable field on the admin edit screen (see Configuration above).

Toggle back and forth as much as you need to to get the copy just right. Changes will be applied immediately.

The dashed lines are only visible in preview mode with 'show strings' activated; this should alleviate any critique by volunteers or other staff reviewing the build for you.

Have other thoughts?

If after exhausting all other options (including talking people out of it) you absolutely must have copy in a certain spot/situation, please create a ticket being careful to include the details on where and when you'd like it to appear. We'll consider them through the lens of minimizing additional config burden on all customers while still accommodating novel and necessary scenarios.

Last updated