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If your institution uses AlumnIQ Gift Refunds, it is critical that you also use our APIs/reports on a regularly recurring basis to ensure that you keep accurate records that reflect any refunds granted.
While we would all love for gifts to only and forever be one-way traffic into your institution, exceptions are unfortunately necessary.
Gift refunds may need to be processed as the result of an angry donor, a stolen card, or fraudulent checkout. The best course of action is to refund the gift promptly - and this functionality helps you do that.
Reflecting the importance of proper oversight and control, a dedicated role is required to perform refunds. It is: giving:customerservice:refund
What you're refunding is a gift payment - not (necessarily) a gift. Focus on the transaction itself - it'll make our recommendations more sensible.
Before a gift payment may be refunded it must first be both (a) collected and (b) cancelled. Only after passing through those states will a "refund" button appear next to the payment item.
Giving > Reports > Daily Refunds. This report allows you to search for all gift refunds that occurred in a given date range. The maximum date range is 31 days.
After generating a report you can click the green "Export to Excel" icon to download the report as an XLSX file. The excel export contains more details than are included on the report screen.
There are two relevant API resources:
- a chronological list of completed refunds, paginated by transactionId
- a detail view of all refunds completed on a given date
This API resource accepts 1 optional argument: before
which is a transactionId. It returns the 100 most recent gift refunds that occurred before the given transactionId, sorted most recent to least recent. If no before
argument is provided, it returns the 100 most recent gift refunds. Use the transactionId
of the last item in the response to get the next page of results.
This resource exists primarily to guarantee that you can be sure not to miss any refunds. Check this resource first to make sure that you have all refunds for a given date recorded. If you're missing any refunds for a date, you can use the /giving/gifts/refunded
resource to get the details for that date.
This API resource accepts 1 argument: date
which is a single day for which it will return all completed refunds. This data will very closely match what is available in the Daily Refunds Excel export. (The API returns the refund amount in Cents, while the Excel export returns the amount in Dollars.)