API: Financial Data

The API is organized by module. Separate feeds are provided for event registration transactions, online giving transactions, and membership transactions. Each module's endpoints provide a summary of transactions by time range and additional relevant endpoints to dig into the details of any individual purchase or transaction.

We always provide monetary values as an integer number of cents.

A note on potential Card Type values

Originally AlumnIQ only supported traditional credit card capture; e.g. Visa or MasterCard, through integration with Spreedly to speak to your school's preferred gateway. Over time our customers have expressed an interest in more modern payment methods like ApplePay, GooglePay, Venmo, and PayPal, which we now support by integrating with Braintree.

As a result, you may be wondering what to expect in our CardType fields in API responses. Wonder no more.

  • Customers using a gateway with which we communicate using Spreedly do not currently have support for anything outside of traditional credit cards. The card type values include:

    • visa

    • discover

    • american_express

    • master (for MasterCard)

  • Customers using Braintree as your gateway have support for traditional credit cards, as well as ApplePay, GooglePay, Venmo*, and PayPal

    • Traditional credit cards will use one of these card types:

      • Visa

      • MasterCard

      • Discover

      • AmericanExpress

    • For the more modern payment methods, wherever possible, we will inform you of both the payment method and the card type.

      • For ApplePay, you will see ApplePay: followed by one of the credit card types above, such as ApplePay:Visa or ApplePay:AmericanExpress.

      • GooglePay is identical to ApplePay except that it is prefixed with GooglePay:

      • Venmo and PayPal do not provide us with the credit card details, and indeed sometimes do not source the funds from a credit card at all. In these cases the card type will either be Venmo or PayPal, and the expiration date and last-4-digits fields of the API will be populated with dummy data and should be ignored.

* Venmo is not currently supported in Give Now due to technical limitations.

A note on gateway descriptions in API responses

For relevant API endpoints, we include a few fields describing a gateway. For historical transaction data (e.g. completed gifts, event registrations, membership payments), the gateway fields represent the gateway that processed the transaction. Some endpoints describe incomplete transactions (e.g. future payments on gifts, list of gift paths) and for these the gateway fields represent the gateway in which the payment method is currently vaulted (or would be, in the case of paths list).

AlumnIQ will soon support use of multiple gateways concurrently, and these fields are provided so that you know where to expect to find money from a given transaction.

The gateway description fields are:

  • pmtServiceProvider - one of: spreedly, braintree, or blackbaud

  • gatewayId - (integer) our internal, immutable, numeric identifier for the unique combination of Payment Service Provider, gateway, and sub-merchant.

  • gateway - (varchar(100)) the name of the gateway; e.g. Braintree, CardConnect, CashNet, Authorize.net

  • gatewaySubMerchant - (varchar) Whatever sub-merchant name you provide to us for gateway setup.

The relevant api endpoints are:

  • /events/gifts

  • /events/gifts/flat

  • /events/{eventId}/transactions/detail

  • /events/transactions

  • /giving/giftpayments

  • /giving/giftpayments/cancelled

  • /giving/giftpayments/{paymentId}/batchXCode

  • /giving/gifts

  • /giving/gifts/cancelled

  • /giving/gifts/statechanges

  • /giving/paths

  • /giving/pledges

  • /giving/pledges/open

  • /giving/pledges/{pledgeId}/gifts

  • /giving/pledges/cancelled

  • /giving/omnigifts

  • /memb/memberships/omni

  • /memb/memberships/omni/flat

  • /memb/gifts/flat

Event Registration

Event registration financial api resources are described in this Finances and Accounting section of the API docs.

Online Giving

Online giving financial api resources are described in this Gifts section of the API docs.


Membership financial api resources are described in this Membership section of the API docs.

Last updated