Options for Check In

We have several options for collecting check in information for some or all of the events you're running during one of these event week/weekends. Which mix of tech you use to gather this information depends a lot on your connectivity, staffing, need for speed, and budget constraints. Prior to having a conversation about what mix might be appropriate for you, please review these options and consider what sounds best for your situation.

Scanny McScannerson / Gatekeeper

Scanny McScannerson (acquired during the Something McSomethingelse naming craze of the early 20s) are chonky devices somewhere between a phone and a phablet, mostly due to two things: a big battery and proper QR code imager hardware. Some of our Scannys come with trigger handles (for more aggressive situations) and others with a hand strap for comfortable scanning.

Gatekeeper is the software we run on Scanny that handles the scanning process. Gatekeeper is real-time connected to registration data, allowing us to validate registration status (so no more gate crashers!) and record the check in immediately - all the intel you need to control your space and have reportable data to share instantly.

Gatekeeper is simply a web application, so you could opt to use your own phone or tablet - provided it has Safari or Chrome and a camera, you're in business!

We gratefully acknowledge the help we received from Emory, Pitt, Penn, and Princeton with the early field testing of the hardware and software - they took the leap with us and reaped the benefits of real time validation and recording of check ins while working out early kinks and flow adjustments.


  • internet connectivity (via wifi or mifi)

  • device rental from AlumnIQ OR use your own phone (Chrome or Safari required)

  • QR codes rendered by AlumnIQ to read


  • real time validation - you'll know if a person is registered and paid in full before letting them in

  • super fast (network permitting)

  • flexible; check people in to an event or the entire weekend's program

  • see real time attendance stats on the device

  • can scan a confirmation email (on phone or paper) -OR- an AlumnIQ-printed name tag!

  • can optionally do a "scan-to-register" for nametag wearers who did not sign up for this specific free activity

  • extra cost option: rent a Scanny with a SIM card for embedded mobile network access anywhere


  • the need for network connectivity can be difficult depending on the venue

  • more expensive than Scananas


Scananas are basically the second iteration of Beep Boops but bigger and far more capable. Scananas (so named by my 4 year old thanks to the yellow stripe on the side...I think) read QR and flat bar codes on both screen and paper without issue. They're also super easy to connect and offload data using your own laptop (if you prefer to not wait for us to do it for you). The only tradeoff is that they do not timestamp the scans, which only really burns us if you don't bring them back to us between events (since we can't tell the scans apart).


  • device rental from AlumnIQ

  • QR codes or bar codes rendered by AlumnIQ to read


  • no network connection required, works anywhere

  • super fast

  • comfortable in the hand; roughly 4" x 1.5" and light

  • can scan a confirmation email (on phone or paper) -OR- an AlumnIQ-printed name tag!


  • does not validate, only records a scan

  • single event use before needing to be offloaded

  • scans are not time stamped

  • requires manual offloading before check ins are visible in AlumnIQ reporting console (patience is required)

Offloading Scanana Data

Please see the offloading Scananas documentation



  • basic literacy skills and patience


  • everyone generally gets the concept

  • super portable, can be made compact


  • requires export and a printer

  • requires a writing implement

  • someone then needs to put the data back in to AlumnIQ

*so far

Last updated