Printing Name Tags

So you're going to have an event and you'd like to print name tags. We're good at that!

What You Need

  • An AlumnIQ Printer

  • An AlumnIQ Laptop (strongly recommended)

  • Name Tag stock paper

Why our laptops? Because we will, under the terms of your subscription, keep it up to date with the latest (and safest) build for consistent and secure operation. Also to keep you from causing issues with the "real" printers in your office.

Where do I find the print functions?

Two spots: the sub-nav when you're inside an event and on the right side panel of the customer service screen.

This is your primary screen for handling print operations. Don't see a list of registrants? Either you don't have any yet or haven't defined your layout.

Setting up your name tag

Layouts are created per event, as the content and positioning will likely vary depending on the nature of the event.

From the customer service screen for the event, tap Print Name Tags. If you haven't set up a layout yet, you'll be prompted to create one.

If you've already created one, find the Configure Layout button on the right sidebar.

The layout controls allow you to adjust:

  • the paper size (4"x3" is most common)

  • the font face to print all name tag contents with

  • the registration or data warehouse fields to print on each line

  • the size of the text on each line

  • the spacing between each line

  • the ability to hide a line by setting the height to 0

Let's walk through those fields a bit more.

Generation is locked to 1 - we anticipate evolving this feature significantly, so having a wrapper for the rules and capabilities of the template will make management a lot easier in the long run.

Unit This first release is limited to render layouts in millimeters. We chose that for a few reasons, among them being whole number measurements and consistent output regardless of DPI of screen and printer. Consistent output is essential to a good name tag!

So be careful - entering out-of-sensible-range numbers in these fields will lead to unpredictable outcomes.

Stick to 101x76 - we all know what the most conventional name tag size looks like!

Those of you who use our signature events service are familiar with this convention. We'll support any Google Web Font for name tag contents. If you don't see the one you need, please request it!

If you ever used our batch printing capabilities you're already familiar with this grid.

Here's how it works: Each row (1-4) will output a field until it encounters an empty one. The system concatenates the fields with spaces.

On lines 2-4, each field can also have a fallback field (in the dropdown below it) that will fill in the gap if the one above it is empty. What this is intended to do is let you bounce through the warehouse for a value (for a matched constituent) and failing that use the "local" value on the registration record. A common use case for that is maiden names where one or the other is considered "more right" but you'd like the option of falling back to a safe/known value just in case.

In the screenshot, this name tag will render the first name on line 1, maden/last (or just last) followed by the annotation (the 'XX 'YY string) if available on line 2, the employer if available on line 3, and the job title if available on line 4.

Spend time thinking carefully about your registrants and the data you want on the tags. Sometimes the registration data (provided by the actual attendees) is "more correct" than what you have in your data warehouse. Othertimes the inverse may be better. Only you know, and some degree of experimentation is certainly warranted.

And of course, just getting the content on the tag is one thing. Making sure it's sized (and fits) is quite another. Remember, all units are in mm so make good choices for row heights and top margins (for spacing).

Keep in mind we do use auto-sizing text in each of the lines - so even if the line is set fairly tall (24-30mm), longer text will shrink to fit so it does not wrap. We've used this approach for over a decade with the signature events service and it works great.

As you make modifications the live preview will update to give you an idea of how things will work using representative content.

Your layout, once saved, is associated with the event automatically.

We intend to add fields (including super-dynamic stuff like survey question responses) to the layout tool as well as the ability to "iconify" event participation and dietary needs - and of course drop a QR code on there. Just not quite yet!

Setting up a default name tag layout

While the per-event setup gives you maximum flexibility, for consistency's sake it's likely you'll be asked to use a predefined layout (time-tested, approved).

We've built support for those - but hang on a beat until we give you a UI to define one.

So you've got a layout all prepped and now you want to print.

This is the easy part!

Customer Service > Print Name Tags

In the search box at the top of the screen you can either type a last name in or (if you have one) scan the QR code in the confirmation email to trigger a print.

Mistakenly print someone? No bother! Tap Undo and we'll disappear that fact.

Batch Printing

While we ordinarily encourage printing them on demand one at a time, there are situations where you'll want to run off some or all of them ahead of time. It happens!

Customer Service > Print Name Tags

On the sidebar tap Batch Print.

You'll be presented with some filter options to help narrow the set, tap go, and wait a beat while we fire them all off!

Easy as can be.


  1. I'm hitting print but I'm getting prompted to pick a printer and seeing a preview. What did I do?

You aren't using an AlumnIQ laptop to print. File a ticket to order a printer kit from us!

  1. I am not seeing the font I want in the layout screen.

File a ticket to request that we add in the specific font you're looking for from the Google Web Fonts collection.

  1. It doesn't all fit on our name tag!

Double check the paper size, reduce the line height (and margin height) until the numbers all add up. It's super, super easy to break the layout by trying to put too much on a fixed size piece of paper.

  1. There's a warehouse field I want to include for this event.

Great! That's why we have it! File a ticket and we'll activate support for it.

  1. Can I use these printers and laptops for our signature events too?

Absolutely yes! They're interchangeable which should lead to both more name tags being printed as well as significant cost savings by avoiding repeated rentals.

Supplies and Support

In addition to an AlumnIQ print station, you'll need thermal printer paper stock. If you'd like it branded (which everybody does!), file a ticket and we'll get you in touch with our logistics head to coordinate the necessary artwork for a print order.

Additional paper sizes are likely to be added over time. At launch we're limiting ourselves to pure 4x3 support until we're all comfortable with the new service.

Happy name tagging!

Last updated