Capturing Changes

Since we (rarely) have permission to write directly to your system of record, it is incumbent on you to fetch updates from our API on a regular basis. We recommend doing so daily.

The three major categories of data are identity info (name fields, pronouns), home contact info, and work contact info (including employer).

How you can get the changes and how frequently you should do so

GET from these resources DAILY: /sync/identity-change, /sync/address-change/home, and /sync/address-change/work which can all be queried by date range to give you molecules of each (always with xid included).

Consult your API dashboard (/api/v1) for the resource definitions and sample payloads for each of the three resources. This should significantly aid your integration updates. Generating sufficient sample data by impersonating various constituents (in QA, of course) is strongly recommended as well.

You can also pull a 'dogfood' version of this from System > Reports for familiarization purposes.

A key feature of these resources is the addition of a flag to indicate markAsProcessed. If you've used our loopback endpoints, you know we like to know that you've actually processed what we collected so we can cross it off as done. Those loopback endpoints expect a PUT call to do so. Not everyone wants to do that, so we've made the process easier: if you promise to handle the data, then you should set markAsProcessed=true in the GET call and we'll trust that you're doing the needful with the changes. Note that once you pass that flag you will be unable to retrieve the change records again, so please think carefully before doing so.

Last updated