General Registration Management

General Registration Management

You'll find quick processes for common tasks in here.

** Note **

The screenshots in this document may not reflect your specific customer environment. Feedback may drive cosmetic changes that alter them from what you see; don't let that scare you – any substantial changes will trigger an update to this guide.

Table of Contents


Common questions and quick pointers on what to look at and do.

Why isn't Scott showing up on the who's coming list? The list is only refreshed every 20 minutes and they're impatient. Second most common reason: people opt out and don't remember. Customer Service > search > click on name > click on name again > check box next to "Public Listing"

  1. Wait 20 minutes after registration.

  2. Must be opted in to display.

  3. Must not have an open balance.

  4. (Cornell only) Must be in data warehouse with corresponding degree information to appear. No xid? Not shown.

Scott is a member of my class but I don't see him in a classmates report 100% of the time this is due to his record not being linked to his actual constituent record. Provide his XID and force a refresh to link the records. Customer Service > search > click on name > click on name again > update XID, check "force refresh on save" & save

Scott's credit card won't go through Usually because it's failing address verification. Review his billing address and try again. Customer Service > search > click on name > click on name again > update & save

I need to note that Scott is allergic to escargot Customer Service > search > click on name > click on name again > bottom left panel has dietary restrictions. Update and save.

Scott didn't get his confirmation email He probably put his email address in incorrectly. Please confirm, then fix it here: Customer Service > search > click on name > click on name again > top right side. Update and save. Then resend it.

Scott lost his confirmation email Customer Service > search > click on name > top right side "Resend Confirmation". Done.

Registration Management / Customer Service

This is the most important task you'll perform before and during your event. It is also the second most complex (behind setup).

Access customer service by clicking on "Customer Service" in the left sidebar.

Regardless of whether you're creating a new registration record or modifying an existing one, the first step is the same: to search to see if the person in question has already registered.

We do this to, as best we can, reduce the likelihood of duplicate registration records for one individual - which have traditionally led to double-counting, confusion, and overpayment. Nobody wants that.

What is a registration?

The question sounds odd, but it's a good one. Understanding the structure of a registration record will help you understand how/why the system operates a certain way.

Each person is part of a party. A party has at least one person in it (that's a small party, but I digress). A party is associated with one (and only one) registration group. Your school may have one or more registration groups depending on how the registration system is configured.

Each person's registration must include a package , options for which are defined by the registration group. A package may contain zero or more events – meals, lectures, parties, tours, and the like. These events are included in the package fee -or- are available for an additional fee. People can also be registered for events outside of their package - the availability of which, again, depends on how your registration setup is configured. At some schools (like Cornell), the ability to cross-register is restricted to administrators only. At other schools they're all fair game and presented for the registrant to select from.

This next point is important to understand: a classmate is not the same as a registrant. This system, whenever possible, defaults assignment of a registrant to their preferred class year as defined by your school's data. Don't use package counts or registration group reports as a proxy for the number of classmates from a particular class who are attending. Any person has the potential to have multiple degrees from your institution - and thereby establish countable relationships with several classes and/or schools.

How these counts are arrived at will vary from school to school. Please speak with your staff contacts for details on how these counts work for your particular institution.

Basic Registration Flow

  1. Search for an existing registration (and then for a known constituent if not already registered).

  2. Add any guests (adults and children) to their party.

  3. Select/change package and event options for each guest.

  4. Select/change housing options for each guest.

  5. Process a payment or request online payment.

  6. Send invoice if necessary.

You, as an administrator, can violate any pricing rules and capacity limits you so desire. With great power comes great responsibility. Think before you act, make selections that are sensible, and collaborate with your colleagues in other classes and schools to help orchestrate a smooth reunion experience for all attendees - not just your own.

Creating a new registration from scratch

Search for the person you wish to register by partial last name or XID.

Please search a couple times to be certain that you've typed their name correctly. Finding a match saves you considerable data entry time.

If you don't find the person you're looking for after a few permutations on their name or XID, click "Not Found – Create New".

You'll then be asked to make a few immediate selections for the reunion (some schools have multiple options here) and registration source. If you are processing a paper registration, note the date it was received. Then click Start Registration.

You'll then be asked to search for the person again. This time it's a little different - we're searching institutional data for an existing constituent record to "jump start" the registration process. Finding people this way saves you tons of data entry time AND ensures we're able to count the individual properly.

While all alumni and many constituents are found this way it is possible that you're registering someone who is not in the data warehouse. That's fine! Simply close the lookup popup, hit the "Not a constituent" checkbox, and type in the identity information instead.

Finding an existing registration

Search for the person you wish to change by partial last name, XID, or personId.

You'll see all members of a party listed who match your search criteria. The Primary Registrant is the person who initiated the registration and is responsible for payment – reflecting the process used on the public registration site.

Please search a couple times to be certain that you've typed their name correctly. If you don't find them, that usually means they haven't completed the registration process. We do not store partial or in-progress registrations.

We cannot stress enough that you please exhaustively search the existing registrants before throwing in the towel and creating a new registration record. Duplicates are bad, which also reflects how many of us feel about repeating ourselves.

Attendee Bio Info

Things you can change from here include:

  • Name and home address (pre-populated if you went through the lookup process)

  • Preferred class year

  • Expected arrival date/time

  • Dietary restrictions

  • Special medical needs

  • Visibility on the who's coming list

Your next step is to add a package, any optional events, and housing to this new registrant. Follow along in the "Package and Event Selection" section.

Registering Yourself/Volunteers

There are three ways to get yourself registered, one of which doesn't involve requesting a refund.

Method 1 ( recommended ): Make sure that an unpublished package was created for people like yourself who won't be paying to attend events. Log in to admin. Create a new registration for yourself. Select this unpublished volunteer package. Done.

Method 2 ( ok, but more work ): Log in to admin. Create a new registration for yourself. Select from the published packages and make your event selections. You've now got a substantial balance due. Give yourself a discount for each of the events (and package fee) as appropriate. Then request an online payment (from yourself, yes) for the remaining balance (if any). Done.

Method 3 ( not recommended ): register yourself online on the public registration site. Pay with your credit card. Log in to the admin. Find your registration. Discount all the necessary and appropriate line items. Process a refund for that amount. Done.

Add an Adult Guest (21+)

To add an adult guest, simply click on the "Add a Person" button along the bottom bar of the Primary Registrant's registration. This will launch a popup asking you to indicate if this is to be an adult or child registrant (the resulting screens are different).

After selecting Adult or Child, you'll be taken to a new screen to enter the background on this new registrant. Enter as much information as you have – as is the convention throughout the system, required fields are in red.

Note: entering an XID for guests who are alumni is strongly encouraged. The link to do a lookup is helpfully painted right there on the screen for you.

Once the person has been added you'll then select a package and accompanying options as shown under "Package and Event selection", below.

Add a Child Guest (under 21 years of age)

This is similar to the "Add an Adult Guest" function with the key difference being that you'll be asked to input the child's age and gender. The age is the age of the individual as of the first day of Reunion.

Fields you'll need to input:

-Child's first/last name

  • Age as of the first day of Reunion

  • Gender

  • Dietary restrictions (optional)

  • Special medical needs (optional)

You'll also have to select a package for each child (as shown in Package and Event Selection. Merely adding the person to the registration record is insufficient to register them for Reunion.

Package and Event Selection

Every registrant must have a package on their record in order to add events and housing. Click on "Please pick a package" below the guest's name.

The list of packages is automatically filtered by the registration group and demographic (adult, young adult, childX, etc.) of the guest. Unlike public registration, however, you as an administrator can freely apply whatever packages free from all rules – including giving a registrant the early bird price well after the deadline.

Once you've picked a package, we'll present you with options for the price of that package. Again, as an admin you can give someone the early bird rate even after the deadline should you be feeling generous. Just so we're all clear: online registrants will only see the price in effect on the date they're registering; early bird prices auto-expire on the designated date.

Anyway, once you've selected a package and price, you'll be asked to specify all necessary package options for this registrant. These may include individual event attendance selections, meal selections, or similar items.

Make all of the necessary selections, scroll to the bottom, and save. The registrant's record will update with the package and selections you just indicated. Please note: all existing package and event selections for that individual will be replaced by your new selections.

Add/Edit an out-of-package Event

To add an event to this person's registration, click "Add an Event." This will launch a popup window that helps you find the event you want to add to their registration, determine how much to charge them for it (if anything), and then subsequently add it to their registration. The first step is to locate the event you want to add.

Note that many events are "tagged" with the org and or owner. This is so we can tell similarly named events operated by different orgs apart. Please be attentive when selecting!

Don't forget! Your school's environment may be such that is used by several separate but interrelated groups. All of their events are "fair game" for participation by any registrant. It's not out of the question for someone to register for a class package, participate in most class events, and also attend an engineering lecture – all without having to register in a separate system.

Click on the name of the event to proceed to the pricing screen.

This screen will vary depending on the event's configuration (meal selection, shirt size, etc.) and whether or not this event was included in the registrant's package setup. Recall that at the time of registration it is possible to opt-out of participating in an event that is part of a package. If one of those events is selected to be added to the registration, then the pricing rules associated with that event will apply (included, opt-in, or extra charge).

For most events, however, you'll be logging an extra charge. The price dropdown includes whatever price(s) are defined on the event. If you do not see a price listed for an event that isn't your own, please reach out to your staff contact immediately.

Cap Sections and Capacities

You may notice that some events have a single 'cap section' selection under them. This is how we manage capacities for popular events. If you are adding an event to a registration that has a cap section dropdown always select one of the options so that we can properly count and enforce the 'sold out' indicator.

If you pull an event headcount report for an event that is set up with a cap and notice that some people are missing a listing for the cap section, please be a good citizen and correct those registration records.

What's this "Crossover rate Instructions" text about? (Cornell Only)

In years when we have affinity groups participating in reunion activities, it's common that registrants will wish to participate in both those and class activities. Due to Cornell's accounting silos, however, the registrant is not able to self-select those events during public registration.

When you are contacted by an attendee requesting to attend an event not under your purview, you're encouraged to review the Crossover Rate Instructions provided (hopefully) by the group operating the event. If provided, these will save you the phone call to figure out how much to charge.

Select a price or enter an "other" price that (a) comes from the crossover rate instructions or (b) you have negotiated with the event's owner to charge this registrant to participate in it. The registration system will automatically manage the appropriate fund transfers post-reunion.

After being added, the event will appear visibly differently from the other events on the registration record, but still in chronological order. To make a change to (or remove) an already-listed event, click on its name.


Our terminology is a bit more vanilla than you'd ordinarily expect here. That's because the system supports sales by bed, room, day, and weekend depending on how a particular school offers it. Most schools sell simply 'a bed in a room', deferring all assignment and pairing to staff members to manage. Others are far more complex.

Regardless, we refer to the thing that is being purchased as a 'room inventory item'. It is usually a bed but can sometimes be a more complicated. Keep in mind that the registrant is purchasing an abstract thing. Assignment of a human to a space is handled during the preassignment and/or housing check in process.

If your school offers campus housing, every registrant will automatically get a "Housing" line item on their registration record. Housing functions much like the "Add an Event" option. Click on the "Housing" line on the guest's registration record to set on/off campus and indicate the number of nights of housing requested along with making changes to location preferences and medical needs. All of those notes appear in our housing reports.

It is possible that an individual may purchase multiple inventory items.

At some schools you may be asked to select a room inventory type too. This is in situations where we allow the registrant to select which building or room type they wish to purchase.

It's worth mentioning that the admin console allows you to do whatever you deem necessary. We do not enforce rules on the number of nights of housing based on package selection nor do we enforce caps on room inventory items. It's up to you to not "oversell" housing.

Housing preassignments are covered in the "Housing Preassignments" section.

Dietary Restrictions

We consulted with Cornell's world-reknowned hospitality program to settle in with a set of dietary restriction options that are reasonably sensitive to those who have medical needs while at the same time do not present an undue burden for event organizers. Registrants are able to check off as many of these as they wish during registration – complete with disclaimer as to our ability to meet them 100%. If an individual checks the "severe food allergy" checkbox, they have the option of entering more details in free text. All dietary restriction information is included in event reports automatically. Be sure to share this information with your caterers.

To make changes to dietary restrictions, find the registrant's record, click on their name, then click on their name again and scroll to the bottom left.

Registration Notes

The registration software supports three types of notes for every person in a party.

Confirmation Note - A custom message for this registration that will appear on the confirmation email they receive.

Clerk Note – A private message that the staff and individuals managing the system will see during check-in only. This message is never exposed to the registrant.

Private Note – A "safe space" for you to make any notes about the registrant that you want to share with the event team, registration chairs, and clerks only. This will never be visible to the registrant. This is most helpful for containing a catalog of changes to the registration, a log of conversations with the person, and similar items of historical importance.

Email Confirmation

Every time you make a change (or series of changes) to a registration, send a fresh confirmation to the registrant. We have no way of knowing when you're "done" making changes so this responsibility falls to you to do. Given that it's just one tap (and the popup does self-close) we've made it about as convenient as possible to do.

If you need to send a copy of the confirmation via snail mail, use the Print Confirmation button. It's the same screen the registrant would see at the end of their registration process but slightly trimmed up to print neatly.

View Confirmation is the same link that appears in the confirmation email that the registrant receives. If you need to "see what they see", this is the way to do it.


The goal of every registration record is to get to 0. By that we mean that the costs incurred (package, events, housing, etc.) are all covered by payments and discounts. If a registration is not at 0, you have work to do to get it there.

You can see the full history of payment activity for any given registration at the bottom of the page.

Once submitted, payments aren't reversible. We maintain the full transaction history so that we can always look back at what changed on a registration and when.

The right side of the registration screen shows the amount due (if any) for a registrant. We've (helpfully) color coded the box so it's easy to know if a registrant is paid up or not.

Click on "Collect Payment" to begin.

Request Payment

If you want the registrant to complete a supplemental payment online, use this section to have an email message sent to the primary registrant with a link to complete the task. You'll use this primarily during the online registration period.

The form is prepopulated with the amount due and the primary registrant's email address.

We'll make note of the payment request (which you can see as "Payment Requested" along with the amount and date in the Payments block) and the registrant will continue to appear with a "Balance Due" until they complete the payment process. For the purposes of calculating an invoice balance, pending payments are not counted.

Requesting that the registrant pays on their own time on their own computer is the most PCI-compliant approach and is the most strongly recommended tactic.

Credit Card (Online)

You have two options for handling an immediate payment via credit card. The first is to charge a brand new card with information provided to you by the registrant. The second is to charge a card already on file.

Note: card on file transactions MAY require that you enter the CVV for the card. This is entirely dependent on the configuration of the payment gateway your school uses. Our recommendation is to try it without entering one and if that fails, either send a request for payment (see previous subheading) or collect new card information from the registrant. We can't duck this requirement.

Just a reminder: the system does not automatically send an updated confirmation when a payment is processed. That's still your responsibility to do once all of your changes have been made.

Credit Card (Offline)

If your school processes transactions on swipe machines, please be aware that those transactions must be logged in this system as well.

Log a Check Payment

Use this to note a payment received and processed by the bank or sent directly to you. Please note the postmark date on the check and the check number when logging a check payment. If you ever need to cross reference this payment with the bank, these pieces of information will be important. Postmark date defaults to today and the amount field will reflect the current balance due on the registration record.

Late/Cancel Fee

A cancellation fee is applied when we need to hold on to money from someone who has cancelled their registration. Ordinarily we'd refund it but once we cross the refund deadline it's anyone's guess how much may be given back to the registrant.

Select the appropriate account to credit, enter the amount to assess, and include a reason for the late/cancel fee. Hit save and the registration record will show the appropriate credit balance being absorbed by the fee you just assessed.

We can remove an erroneous adjustment simply by clicking on the "Late/Cancel Fee" text in the transaction summary table. You may even do this post-event if your class has generated excess revenue and you're feeling generous. Just don't forget to submit a refund request too! Remember – every registration should get to $0 due/owed as close to the end of the event as possible.


Discounts! The most popular form of leaving money on the table. If for whatever reason you wish to offer this party a discount that doesn't involve a transfer of funds from you to them or vice versa, this is the way to get it done.

Discounts are fake money. This means that you should keep a very, very close eye on what is being discounted and mindful to remove discounts applied to a registration for events that have been removed. You do not want to discount entitlements that no longer exist or your accounts will appear overdrawn.

You can't refund a discount (unless someone paid for it already).

To initiate the discount process, click "Apply Discount".

Discounts are applied at the line item level, so it may take you some time to get through if you're discounting a lot. Pick the line item, enter the amount of the discount for that item only and save it. Repeat until you've discounted everything you need to discount.

This will result in a credit amount appearing on the registration. Keep in mind that the discounts you apply are in essence a "charge" to the event's account, so use them sparingly.


We'll always have people who need to get a refund. This can happen if they cancel, change their registration to a cheaper package, or simply back out of an optional event. When the registration indicates that we owe them money, you'll see something like this on the sidebar:

Click to open the refund dialog.

At this point we're expecting you to be mindful of a couple real-world constraints. Credit cards can only be refunded up to the amount of the original transaction. So if a registrant has two payments on their record you can apply as many refunds as you wish - presuming that the sum of them doesn't exceed the transaction you're refunding against.

Enter the amount to refund, again taking care to ensure that it (in concert with any prior refunds) doesn't exceed the amount of the original transaction. Select a refund reason and leave a comment so we all know why this refund was applied and hit save.

Refunds are not reversible and are immediate. Once given back we can't undo it. You'll have to charge the registrant again if you need to recover the money.

Hold back a refund as a gift

Gifts are transacted separately from registration - we never commingle the funds. This is an essential fact to keep in mind in this section - we can't magically shift dollars collected via the registration payment gateway into the gift payment gateway.

What to do instead when "Scott" tells you to hold on to his fees as a gift:

  1. apply a fee to the registration record sufficient to zero out the refundable balance. Select the "transfer as a gift" account in the dropdown when you do so. If you do not have a transfer as a gift account, contact AlumnIQ support.

  2. After your event is over (over over, not just today over), pull the balance sheet report. If you see any liability balance under the 'transfer as a gift' virtual account, drill down into that transactional detail report.

  3. Export that and hand it over to your gift processing team. Let them know where the actual money is (your registration payment gateway's target bank account) so they can get their hands on it.

  4. They will properly book, receipt, and acknowledge the gifts with the donors per your institution's policy.

As an aside, we do not advise booking these "gifts" until your event is over over - this is to protect against a scenario where the registrant/donor changes their mind and requests a refund. We can't stuff the gift receipt genie back in its lamp if we unleash it too early. By the time your event is "over over" the books have stabilized and we can consider those dollars committed to the institution, and therefore safe to book.

Changing Registration Groups

Sometimes an individual registers under the wrong Registration Group and wants to switch to another one.

You have two options:

  1. Cancel the registration entirely and refund everything. This allows the registrant to re-register with the correct group on their own time.

  2. Swap the groups in the admin. This is somewhat more involved and may be faster if the registration record is not complicated.

  3. Find their registration record

  4. Under the primary registrant (listed first) there's a button to Swap Registration Group.

  5. Follow the instructions.

A swap does the following:

  • Cancels the current registration (which removes all registrants from the party)

  • Automatically creates refunds for the amounts paid to date (CORNELL ONLY)

  • Sets the registration to the new group

You can now add the people back in to the party and apply the proper package selections to each. You'll have to send a payment request to the registrant in order to collect any balance owed.

You may have a sense that this is a really complicated process. It is - and it's entirely due to a historical accounting rule that we don't transfer money between registration groups.

Housing Preassignments

Many groups prefer to assign beds ahead of time. This makes the process of checking people in much faster! We've gone the extra mile for you and made it easy for you to note these preassignments in the registration system so we can avoid awkward double-assignment blunders.

While we cannot build a system intelligent enough to match people with rooms based on their preferences (proximity to elevators and other people), we can make it easy for you to get all of that information in an easily manageable format.

Getting Started

Begin by clicking on Reports and selecting Housing - Preassignments.

Filter the list down by your registration group. You can also break it down by which day the registrants are expected to check in.

How do you prepare to make these preassignments? Click Export to Excel to get all the registrant data that you need in nice tabular format. But we encourage you to go for the "Printable Slips" – literally print this document, then cut it up. Spread these all over your kitchen table and get to work putting people near each other just like they asked. We also recommend the Single/Double estimates report too.

Once you're done figuring out who goes where, return to this page and prepare to do some quick selections to make the preassignments.

To assign a person to a bed (which is how most campus housing systems work), click on the "NOT ASSIGNED" text.

The popup shows the expected arrival date and time, number of nights purchased, and any medical needs and preferences the registrant has.

The best part is the dropdown. You'll see every bed that's been assigned to your registration group listed there. Beds that have been assigned to a person show up with their name. Beds that have been 'blocked' for whatever reason (broken, made a single out of a double, etc.) show up as non-selectable.

There's logic to the codes too. "BALC" means Balch Hall. "5323" is the room number and "-2" means it's the second bed in the room (though the registrant is welcome to stay in bed number 1 or 3 if the person in it is accommodating or it's vacant). Fact is, this person will be preassigned to room 5323 and whatever happens from there is up to them.

To cancel an assignment, launch this popup again and set it to the first option ("NOT ASSIGNED") and it'll release that bed back in to your pool.

A word about housing check in

Now, things happen that may require housing to shift people around. The good news is your registrants never see the preassignment, so we have some room to work. The shift will happen if a room needs to be taken out of commission, an unlikely double booking, accidental improper assignment, or similar circumstance. We just wanted to be clear this isn't a guarantee.

Need more rooms?

Not to fear! Contact your class reunions staff member. They will reach out to Housing on your behalf and have a bed moved into your group from our reserve block or another nearby class.

Reusing a Room

If you have a classmate checking out early and wish to reuse the room/bed, let Housing know so that a new record can be created for you to preassign to another person.

Good to know:

  • The new record will make it look like there's a duplicate bed in the preassignment section; this is OK and expected.

  • Do not check in the second person until the first has actually left (which should not be a problem unless they extend their stay)

Housing Reports

In addition to the preassignment reports, there's also a "Housing – Availability" report that shows who's been assigned to each bed in your assigned block. We thought this might be useful to you too.

Also, there is a summary chart in the Dashboard showing the headcounts for preassignments. We recommend looking at the Single/Double estimates throughout the registration period so you do not exhaust your supply prematurely.

Any other questions?

Please do not hesitate to file a help ticket if any of these instructions are not clear or you're unsure of what to do next.

Reunion/Alumni Weekend/Homecoming Check In

So now you're on campus, ready to Check In a registrant or entire party. This process begins the same way as making a change to a registration: by clicking "Customer Service" and searching for them by name. There's a shortcut in the upper navbar (Start New Check In) that does the same.

The Check In module will show you the expected arrival date/time for each adult registrant in a party, the balance due (if any), and waiver status for each child registrant (if any). If any of those conditions are violated (premature check-in, balance is due, waiver unsigned) you're expected to correct those items with the registrant prior to proceeding with the check-in process. You are, of course, empowered to override those guidelines but be aware that your discretion is our last line of protection against any number of data issues. Please be diligent!

Checking in to Reunion

Either one of these blue buttons will launch the check-in utility.

It's expected that you'll look at the top first and note that you have a "thumbs up" because the registration is paid in full. An unpaid registration will look like this:

Once you've managed them to a "zero balance" situation, you may note that each of the people in the party has "TOO EARLY" on their record. If you see this it means that this guest is attempting to check in prior to their expected arrival time. Recall that guests were offered package options based on when they were expected to arrive on campus. This is time for a judgment call. A registrant checking in early may be attempting to access a meal they have not paid for. Consult the registration chair in the event of a conflict.

Cornellians: a button is an all-access pass, so once again your discretion is greatly appreciated!

To check someone in, simply click on "Check-in" – that's it! The registrant may be entitled to gifts or other items; each event is different and you are expected to know what to do next.

Housing Check In

If you are not a housing clerk do not check anyone in for housing.

Please leave this to the experts

The housing check-in process is somewhat similar but with a few cautions thrown in.

  • It's much easier (and safer) to check someone in to a bed if they've been preassigned. This is the only way the housing folks know which rooms are truly available for check-in.

  • If a person needs to adjust the number of nights they are staying with us, do it prior to starting the housing check-in process. It's much, much easier to get money from them before they get what they want!

  • The number of nights of housing on the registration record must match the number of nights they are staying in the dorms. The class will be billed for the actual number of nights they stay, so it's in your best interest to make sure you get the correct amount due from your guests.

  • Housing check-in is a ONE WAY, ONE TIME process. Please do not play

  • Only check people in if you really mean it.

The reason for all this extra complexity is because we are writing check-in data directly in to the campus housing system. This will simplify reconciliation and billing post-event, a process that used to take three weeks now takes ten minutes.

To check a guest in to their bed

Follow the steps in the section above to launch the Check-in utility. Your ultimate target is the "Housing Check-in" button, shown conveniently above the preassignment and number of nights on the right side of the screen.

Based on the registrant's expected arrival date and the purchased number of nights, we show which nights they'll be staying with us and set the expected check in and check out dates accordingly. If you have to change the dates of their stay so that the duration of their stay changes, hit cancel and go back and adjust their registration to reflect the proper number of nights.

The screen also shows the preassigned bed (if any) and automatically selects the bed in the "Actual Assignment" dropdown below. You'll see the registrant's name in the dropdown as well. If that's good to go, click "Housing Check In". Assuming everything works as planned, the registrant is then checked in to the assigned bed.

Cornell: This act is recorded in the Reunion system and in Star Rez. Conference Services is watching you.

Hand over the keys and any other information the guest needs to access their room.

If everything goes well

Once a person has been checked in to campus housing you can no longer edit their housing information. You'll note that the "Housing – On Campus" text is no longer linked for editing in the image below. We also show the bed, duration of actual stay, the entryID (the Star Rez identifier), and the netID of the person who checked this guest in.

Any subsequent changes to housing (early check out, extended stay) need to be made in Star Rez directly AND be filed in a help ticket so we can make the necessary adjustments on your behalf. Please do not forget to include the registrant's name when doing so.

If everything does not go well

If that happens, the check-in will fail (and you'll know it). Someone could have poached the bed out from under you. Attempt the check-in using another unused bed instead. If you're out of rooms, call your housing contact immediately and we'll arrange to have a room transferred in to your block.

Housing Check In Reports

We've added check-in dates to the Group Registrations report and Housing-Preassignments report. You'll also note two new pie charts on the Group Dashboard for Reunion Check-in and Housing Check-in counts. If there are additional reports you'd like to see, please file Tickets and we'll consider them as time permits.


Most of the packaged reports fit the following criteria:

  • Easy filtering options – by primary registrant's class, by track, by package, by arrival date/time, by event (and more depending on the particular report).

  • Easy export options – most reports will display in summarized form on screen. The full data dump will be available in Excel format so you can manipulate it as you see fit. There's only so much screen real estate at our disposal.

The reporting tool is sufficiently flexible so that you can get out what you need to. Please be aware that we won't be building custom reports for individual classes unless they meet the needs of more than one class and can be designed as such.

We look forward to your feedback to determine what (if any) upgrades to the reporting are worth pursuing. We'll be watching your activity, but please take note of things that could be tweaked and submit them as Tickets tagged as an enhancement. Thanks for your thoughtful suggestions.

Report Descriptions

These reports are designed to give you insight in to the people registered through your registration group. The Group Dashboard remains among the most popular, as it contains the most important metrics presented graphically for your visual enjoyment.

Group Registrations is where you'll find all your classmates. We (again) encourage frequent visits to the Missing XID report so that the Classmate Counts report is as accurate as possible.

The Headcount report is what you'll (probably) print and have with you at the welcome table for each of your events. This will list everyone, regardless of registration origin, attending the event. You'll use this report to communicate entrée selections to your caterer too. Headcount summary and capacity summary will give you a "count-based" view of any event for easy circulation.

Scheduled Reports. Need to share attendance data with someone who doesn't have access to the system? Schedule a nightly report! Available for any event. Simply enter their email address and select the event. Every night they'll receive an email with a link to the current registration list for that event.

The Balance due/owed report should be consulted daily too. Be sure to send reminders to classmates who have not yet paid for Reunion. They are included in all event headcounts even if they owe money, so it's best that they pay up or cancel in a timely manner.

The Transaction Summary, Account Transfers, and University Fees reports should be generally ignored until Reunion is over and closed out. Those numbers will frequently shift and should not be considered final.

Last updated